
Industrial Gypsum

Standard Gypsum

Plaster Gypsum

Forming Gypsum

Quick  Setting Gypsum
(Plaster of Paris)

Slow Setting Gypsum


Grey – Light Pink or Yellowish - Homogeneous

homogeneous bright white

homogeneous bright white

homogeneous bright white

Fineness (By Weight)

Whole amount  passes  through a standard 1.18 mm . mesh - The retained amount in 150 micron mesh should not exceed  25%

Retained amount  by a standard 1.18 mm . mesh - should not exceed  5%

Retained amount  by a standard 1.18 mm . mesh - should not exceed  1%

Whole amount  passes  through a standard 0.595 mm . mesh - The retained amount in 150 micron mesh should not exceed  5%

Setting Time      ( minutes)

Not less than 6 & not more than 15

Not less than 8 & not more than 15

Not less than 60 & not more than 180

Not less than 15 & not more than 40

Failure Resist-ance by Bending (N/mm2)

Not less than 1 for 24 days & 2 for 7 days



Not less than 1.5 for 1 hr. & 4 for 7 days

Volume  Stability


the cast plaster in molds does not show signs of decomposition, swelling, or holes when exposed to saturated vapor pressure equal to one atmospheric pressure


Longitudinal  Expansion



Not more than 0.2% at 24 hours in a closed humid atmosphere


Transverse force


Not less than  2.5 N/mm2

Not less than  1.2 N/mm2


Mechanical resistance



Does not exceed 5 mm





Industrial Gypsum

Standard Gypsum

Plaster Gypsum

Forming Gypsum

Quick  Setting Gypsum
(Plaster of Paris)

Slow Setting Gypsum

Tri – Sulfur  Oxide  (%)


Not less than 35%

Not less than 35%


Calcium Sulfate  (%)

Not less than 60%

Not less than 80%

Not less than 80%

Not less than 90%

Calcium Oxide (%) by weight

Not less than 0.66 % Sulfur Oxide

Not less than 0.66% of Sulfur Oxide

Not less than 0.66% Sulfur Oxide

Sodium Chloride (%)

Not  more  than 2 %



Not  more  than 1 %

Combined Water by Weight (%)

Not Less than  3% & not more than 9%



Not Less than  5% & not more than 9%

impurities %  by weight (insol-uble materials) ferric oxide + aluminum oxide)

Not more than 20 %



Not  more  than 2 %

Dissolved sodium salts % (expressed in the form of sodium oxide) + dissolved Mg salts (expressed in Mg O)


0.2 %


Ratio of loss by weight due to burning


Not more than  9 % & Not less than  4 %

Not more than  9 % & Not less than  4 %


تصميم موقع . كم